Home Forums General Forum Roof Consultant RFP’s

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    • Ivan
      Post count: 3

      Fixing leaky buildings is rarely simple, and is rarely a roofers job.

      I have spent lots of time chasing leaks with Building Envelope specialists (with great results). Rarely is it the roof. It building membrane, building wraps incorrectly installed, leaking window penetrations, poor equipment tie-ins or roof penetrations. These aren’t simple roof leaks, and are usually in the $25k to $250k range to fully remedy.

      Where I get into Purchasing purgatory, is because i use a specific Building Specialist Firm to identify the actual root cause of a leak, i also want to use them to do the RFP specs to hire the roofing contractor to fix the deficiency. they don’t like it as the specialist has an unfair knowledge advantage.. This is best for us, as they identify the leak and own it right til it stops leaking. A process that has stopped many of our “heritage” leaks.

      i’d like to go out for RFP for a roofing consultant, that would identify leaks,, develop a plan for remediation and fix them.

      Also at the same time the roofing consultant would review and inspect our fleet of roofs and identify/prioritize the roof replacement priority.

      Has anyone done a RFP like this before ?

      Ivan Walker, Fanshawe College

      PS thanks to Rich and Ralph for the prod to move this type of request to Forum versus email !!

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