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    • Rich McEvoy
      Post count: 31

      What are Colleges doing about Residences?
      [originally emailed on Mar. 23, 2020 by Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes, La Cite]

    • Rich McEvoy
      Post count: 31

      The following 6 responses were emailed on Mar. 23:

      1. Loyalist Mar. 23
      I have been asked about what other colleges are doing about their residences.
      a) ‘Get out’ orders or voluntary departures? Told students to leave
      b) What to do with students who can’t such as internationals ? We have them in local hotels
      c) Should we check the temperatures of those who remain on a regularly basis ? What are the procedures you are following while remaining open ? We do not measure temperatures but insist folks do a self-evaluation prior to entering any building.
      d) What if there is a case of COVID-19 ? I suppose that we put everybody left in quarantine and provide care for them. That is the easy part. How will we provide care ? We created a plan with School Doctor and local health unit. Once identified Health Unit takes ownership and control.
      As for closing the campuses, any ideas ? some of my security and housekeeping people are becoming nervous as the cases keep increasing in Ottawa, and we have a couple of false alerts. Until provincial message today, waiting to hear what that exactly means, we still permit limited access
      Is it just me or I am not doing anything else much apart from dealing with questions about this and what to do ? YEP! About 14 hours a day.
      Mark Kirkpatrick
      SVP Corporate Services and CFO
      613-969-1913 ext. 2356

      2. Mohawk Mar. 23
      a) ‘Get out’ orders or voluntary departures ? We asked people to leave, we currently have about 40 international students (with nowhere to go) still in residence. We are working them to provide food and support services. We are also preparing ourselves to be asked to repurpose our residence to be used as a critical care centre should our local hospitals be overloaded.
      b) What to do with students who can’t such as internationals ? They are still in residence (for the time being).
      c) Should we check the temperatures of those who remain on a regularly basis ? What are the procedures you are following while remaining open ? We are closed, only 22 people on campus today including Security, Cleaning staff, IT and 3 Facility employees (including myself). Building is locked, entry only available through one door. All non essential construction work has ceased except one project at a satellite campus.
      d) What if there is a case of COVID-19 ? I suppose that we put everybody left in quarantine and provide care for them. That is the easy part. How will we provide care ?
      As for closing the campuses, any ideas ? some of my security and housekeeping people are becoming nervous as the cases keep increasing in Ottawa, and we have a couple of false alerts. Our “close” decision was around March 17th. At that point we had already done our business continuity planning. The next couple days were spent dismissing “non- essential function” people to work from home. The following days, we continued to wind things down as Faculty were in designing the online learning that started today.
      Henry Colyn, C.E.T., Dipl. T., ME, LEED AP
      Chief Building and Facilities Officer
      Phone: 905-575-2269
      Cell: 905-870-0666

      3. Lambton Mar. 23
      a) ‘Get out’ orders or voluntary departures ?Our students agreed to move out and we are 100% vacant. We do have students who have left articles in the rooms. Pick up requests are treated as the requests come in.
      b) What to do with students who can’t such as internationals ?We found homestays for these students.
      c) Should we check the temperatures of those who remain on a regularly basis ? What are the procedures you are following while remaining open ?
      d) What if there is a case of COVID-19 ? I suppose that we put everybody left in quarantine and provide care for them. That is the easy part. How will we provide care ?
      As for closing the campuses, any ideas ? some of my security and housekeeping people are becoming nervous as the cases keep increasing in Ottawa, and we have a couple of false alerts. Effective last Tuesday, we only had a few IT employees on site preparing laptops. We coordinate pick-up through security, spacing out the pick-up times appropriately. We have set up some guidelines for both Security and IT to follow. Cleaners remain on site and are doing some deep cleaning. They are working alone, or from a distance. We do have employees who require access to their offices to pick up files. This continues to be arranged similar to the laptop pick-up. The cleaners are notified ahead of time so they aren’t caught by surprise. Employees cannot be accompanied by anyone as all visits must be individual and escorted by security, from a distance.
      Brent Thomas
      Director, Facilities Management
      T:(519) 542-7751 ext. 3210
      E: brent@lambtoncollege.ca

      4. Sheridan Mar. 23
      We are encouraging students to leave residence but allowing students to stay if they don’t have the ability to go home. We are offering food delivery options to those staying. We are not taking temperatures but providing more education around self monitoring/self isolation/isolation. The discussion around action if/when a student is diagnosed is very much evolving right now.
      We haven’t closed our campuses but all services on campus are closed and being delivered remotely. We are seeing some people come on to campus to collect items and all have to sign in and are advised around social distancing when doing so. We are giving students until Wednesday to come in to collect items. Faculty and staff may have longer but we are reviewing that, We are expecting this may tighten further this week.
      I have my team all working from home with the exception of staff doing essential checks, and they are rotating.
      Thanks for initiating these conversations, its really helpful to hear what others are doing. In such strange and unprecedented times its great to have this network.
      Michelle McCollum

      5. Humber Mar. 23
      Humber’s strategy sounds very similar to Sheridans’. 71% have moved out as of this morning. Considering consolidating all those that are left into one building for logistical reasons.
      Spencer Wood

      6. Fanshawe Mar. 23
      • Students have been encouraged to leave residence, but not ordered. We have slightly less than 300 remaining from the 1600 that were here a couple of weeks ago
      • Most of our International students do not use residence. Reasons for the 300 remaining have not been requested
      • We are treating students in residence as before. No proactive checks, but anyone symptomatic gets checked out and follows normal Health Unit process for followup should they be positive
      • If there is a positive COVID-19 case, the Health Unit will provide direction. This is similar to when a student gets the MUMPS – accommodations would be made for roommates, who would also be monitored, and food would be left outside the room while the patient quarantines
      At Fanshawe we have locked down the campus to students with the exception of the student food service area which we treat as take-out only. We have built a small computer lab in the same area and allow students to use those computers as necessary. Spaced 6ft apart, etc. Security is onhand to enforce and to keep students from wandering.
      Pockets of staff remain. Haven’t been able to send two call centres worth of staff home yet (IT and Registrar). Looking to extend our call centre solution to homes – not an easy or quick solution and dependent on their home network. Some IT staff distributing laptops to @home workers. By end of week we hope to have no IT staff on site. Cleaners scaled back dramatically. Security scaled back a bit but must stay on site as long as we have students in residence. Some cheque-printing still occurring on site as well as payroll work. Those expected to be short, isolated visits to campus.
      Peter Gilbert
      Chief Infrastructure Officer
      (Facilities and IT Services)
      T: 519-452-4430 x4839

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