Home Forums COVID19 Lab Capacities

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    • saurioj@algonquincollege.com
      Post count: 2

      How are other Colleges planning to accommodate the physical distance (6′) requirement in their specialized labs?

      How are you planning to maintain the physical distance requirement?

      What is the impact anticipated on the existing capacities? What will this look like from an operations perspective? (reduced section sizes)

      Any feedback is appreciated!

    • tschill
      Post count: 3

      we have been talking about, though not decided or confirmed, that students in labs that cannot maintain the proper distances will wear face masks covering their mouth and nose as well as full face shields. The class activity will include disinfecting their shield at the beginning and end of the class session. as for gloves, they don’t seem to be as favorable as washing and sanitizing hands frequently.

      Stay tuned


    • Michelle McCollum
      Post count: 3

      We have been undertaking some detailed work and have determined the same as Tim.  It’s going to be impossible to maintain physical distancing even with 50% lab capacity or less.  PPE will be required to make this work.  I understand this is being discussed at the COP level with the Province as well.

    • Rich McEvoy
      Post count: 31

      Fanshawe is planning to open several labs in late July for 2-weeks to complete the face-to-face requirements for the Winter semester.  We’re expecting to accommodate ~1400 students in ~40 rooms.

      We are actively assessing room capacities to maintain social distancing and intend to include demarcation and barriers as necessary.  We have a small task team who are working with the lab techs and program managers to discuss strategies to maximize use while maintaining safety.  Discussions on PPE are continuing but nothing official has been confirmed.

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