The following Terms of Reference are for the Ontario College Association of Physical Plant Administrators (“OCAPPA” or “Association”).
OCAPPA represents the facilities management departments at the 24 Ontario Colleges. Membership in the Association is limited to and consists of professionals from the facilities management department at each of the member Colleges.
OCAPPA is responsible for advancing facilities management of Ontario Colleges by fostering professional leadership and sustainable stewardship excellence.
• Advocacy: OCAPPA will be the authoritative and influential advocate for sustainable stewardship and innovation leadership within Ontario Colleges.
• Leadership Development: OCAPPA will consist of competent facilities professionals providing influential strategic leadership for Ontario Colleges, with a particular emphasis on facilities sustainability and stewardship.
• Best Practices: OCAPPA will research and benchmark best practices for sustainability and stewardship excellence to provide meaningful information enabling advocacy initiatives.
• Collaboration: OCAPPA will engage in symbiotic and collaborative relationships and partnerships supportive of its strategies.
• Association Advancement: OCAPPA will engage Members to support, advance and sustain its mandate.
OCAPPA reports to the Administrative Services Coordinating Committee (ASCC) which, in turn, reports to the Council Of Presidents (COP).
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3.1 Executive Committee
OCAPPA will establish an Executive Committee having the responsibility to lead, guide and coordinate the advancement and implementation of the Association’s mandate and objectives. The Committee will operate, manage and conduct the Association’s business on behalf of the Association in accordance with these Terms of Reference and any bylaws, policies and procedures, and resolutions that may be approved from time-to-time by the membership.
3.2 Subcommittees/Working Groups
OCAPPA will establish the Subcommittees and Working Groups necessary to advance and implement the Association’s mandate and objectives. The Subcommittee Chairs will form part of the OCAPPA Executive Committee. The Subcommittees will report to the Executive Committee and the Working Groups will report to the respective Subcommittee Chair.
3.3 Networks
The following groups are affiliated with OCAPPA:
• Eastern Region of Association of Physical Plant Administrators (ERAPPA)
• Colleges Ontario Occupational Safety and Health Administrators (COOSHA)
• Ontario Association of College and University Security Administrators (OACUSA)
• Ontario College and University Fire Safety Association (OCUFSA)
4.1 Association
• Members: Members are ex-officio facilities administrators, prime contacts and voting members at their respective Colleges. Members remain in good standing with the Association for the duration of their employment within the facilities management department at their respective Colleges.
• Associate Members: Associate Members are selected ex-officio facilities professionals at their respective Colleges. Associate Members remain in good standing with the Association for the duration of their employment within the facilities management department at their respective Colleges.
• Special Members: Special Members are selected ex-officio representatives from key collaborative stakeholders as permitted from time-to-time by the Association at the invitation of the OCAPPA Executive Committee. The following stakeholder organizations are permitted one (1) Special Member to OCAPPA: Administrative Services Coordinating Committee (ASCC), Colleges Ontario (CO), Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU), and Emeritus Members (status awarded to retired members who wish to continue participating in the association).
4.2 Executive Committee
• President-Elect: The President-Elect shall be selected among Members by receiving the greatest number of votes at the OCAPPA annual General meeting (AGM). The President-Elect shall assume the position at the OCAPPA AGM for a one (1) year term or until the next OCAPPA AGM.
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• President: The President-Elect shall automatically become President following service the preceding year as President-Elect. The President-Elect shall assume the position as President at the OCAPPA AGM for a one (1) year term or until the next OCAPPA President elect succeeds them.
• Past President: The President shall automatically become Past President following service the preceding year as President. The President shall assume the position as Past President at the OCAPPA AGM for a one (1) year term or until the next OCAPPA President succeeds them.
• Secretary: The Secretary shall be selected among Members by receiving the greatest number of votes at the OCAPPA AGM. The Secretary shall assume the position at the OCAPPA AGM for a two (2) year term and may serve two (2) consecutive two (2) year terms.
• Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be selected among Members by receiving the greatest number of votes at the OCAPPA AGM. The Treasurer shall assume the position at the OCAPPA election for a two (2) year term and may serve two (2) consecutive terms.
• Subcommittee Chairs: The Subcommittee Chairs shall be selected among Members and Associate Members by receiving the greatest number of votes at the OCAPPA AGM. The Subcommittee Chairs shall assume their respective positions at the OCAPPA election for a two (2) year term and may serve two (2) consecutive terms in their respective appointments.
4.3 Selection Process
Nominations for all positions may be submitted by Members to the Secretary up to ten
(10) days in advance of the upcoming OCAPPA AGM. Persons being nominated must have consented to their nomination in advance and shall be agreeable to serve if elected. If more than one person has been nominated, Members will vote by secret ballot from a slate of nominees presented by the Secretary. The Secretary and Past President will conduct a vote by secret or electronic ballot and advise the President of the results. If there is only one nominee, the nomination will be approved by public resolution of the Members.
4.4 Vacancies
In the event an Executive Committee member is unable to complete their term for any reason whatsoever, the remainder of the Executive Committee will fill the resulting vacancy from among eligible Members and Associate Members on an interim basis until the next election can be held to select a replacement member.
Chairs of the Subcommittees will be voted on by the membership at the AGM, Chairs of Working Groups will be appointed by the Subcommittee Chair or the Executive Committee. Each Subcommittee Chair will recruit at least two (2) additional members of the Subcommittee from among Members and Associate Members. Special Members may be a resource to a Subcommittee or working group. Working Groups may be established within Subcommittees or
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independently from time-to-time and will have broader mandates to address specific issues, perform specific tasks/functions and/or deliver specific actions/results. Working Groups will have a specific time frame associated with their activity.
The following Subcommittees have been established by OCAPPA:
5.1 Asset Stewardship Subcommittee
• Deliver an annual report on system-wide facilities condition and deferred capital renewal and maintenance liability (DCRM).
• Develop a common approach to input information to the respective software, documentation and reporting of building condition and DCRM.
• Develop an effective multi-year capital planning strategy for Ontario Colleges (aligned with MCU long-term capital planning initiative)
• Develop a life-cycle strategy for infrastructure renewal and total cost of ownership
• Develop strategies that reduce energy consumption and costs while retiring DCRM.
5.2 Technology & Collaboration Subcommittee
• Oversee the development and maintenance of the OCAPPA website(s)
• Develop a social media strategy for OCAPPA to facilitate use of Web 2.0 tools to collaborate more effectively and efficiently; i.e., LinkedIn Groups, blogging, microblogging, etc.
• Facilitate the adoption and use of new collaboration tools by OCAPPA Subcommittees and Members and provide training and support as needed
• Build linkages and relationships with internal and external organizations; i.e., APPA, ERAPPA, SCUP
5.3 Membership Subcommittee
• Encourage/recruit participation in OCAPPA initiatives, Executive Committee, Subcommittees, Working Groups, ERAPPA membership and committees, etc.
• Maintain an up-to-date membership list
• Arrange recognitions for various accomplishments and gifts for outgoing Executive Committee members
• Participate in the ERAPPA Membership Committee
• Develop and maintain a branding strategy
5.4 Professional Development Subcommittee
• Survey, consider, determine and address the needs and issues for Member training and professional development (PD) within the collegial community.
• Encourage continuing education for technical and non-technical skills
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• Enhance knowledge management practices
• Improve mentoring opportunities for young professionals
• Support meaningful opportunities for career growth and advancement
• Build awareness of and involvement in OCAPPA by young professionals
• Work with the Host College to deliver the OCAPPA Annual PD Workshop
• Survey regularly the membership and offer supplementary PD offerings to meet the needs
• Prepare an annual list of potential topics
5.5 Energy Subcommittee
• Deliver an annual system-wide energy and carbon reduction report
• Develop strategies that reduce utility (electricity, natural gas, water, waste and recycling) consumption and costs
• Recruit Members into the Subcommittee in order to encourage, motivate and drive energy and sustainability-led initiatives
• Oversee annual College-wide progress towards Roadmap to Net-Zero Carbon/GHG RRAP reports and other reports
• Identify financing and funding mechanisms in use and available to the College sector that reduce utility consumption/demand and greenhouse gas emissions
5.6 Colleges Space Standards Subcommittee
• Maintain and advance the College system model for space standards, utilization and capacity planning
• Re-launch and guide the preparation of the COFSI Report (Colleges Ontario Facilities Space Inventory)
• Review and optimize current space standards to align with current practices
• Establish ongoing assessments and dialogue to maintain data integrity
• Educate OCAPPA community of the meaning and benefits of the information
• Develop tools and aides (e.g., COFSI Dashboard) to support ongoing learning, planning, collaboration and reporting
Hold bi-monthly virtual meetings or as required
6.1 Association
Members, Associate Members and Special Members
• Actively participate to the extent practicable in the advancement and fulfillment of the Association’s mandate and objectives
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• Actively participate in networking among Members, meetings, undertakings and other activities of the Association
• Actively participate and expeditiously complete submissions for benchmarking initiatives
• Actively support and participate in the Executive Committee and/or Subcommittees and/or Working Groups
In addition to the above responsibilities:
• Attend and participate in meetings
• Enable managers to participate in Subcommittees and Working Groups
• Actively participate in voting on resolutions of the Association, assigning proxy as may be appropriate
6.2 Executive Committee
• Perform all assigned duties and responsibilities as described in the OCAPPA Terms of Reference and any bylaws, policies and procedures, and resolutions
• Chair all Association and Executive Committee meetings
• Act as the official spokesperson and representative of OCAPPA in all matters
• Strive towards ensuring that OCAPPA advances and achieves the Association’s mandate and objectives
• In conjunction with the Chair of the Membership Subcommittee, recruit Members to fill the positions of Chairs of Subcommittees and any Working Groups within the Subcommittees
• Serve as the primary liaison with the Administrative Services Coordinating Committee (ASCC), Colleges Ontario (CO), Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) and ERAPPA Chapter Affairs
• The President-Elect will be elected from one of the Facilities leaders at one of the 24 Colleges
• Assist the President in the performance of the duties and responsibilities of the Association
• Perform all duties and responsibilities assigned by the President
• Act as liaison to the Subcommittees and Working Groups established and strive towards ensuring the Chairs and their respective Subcommittees and Working Groups are advancing and fulfilling their mandate
• Serve as Acting President in the President’s absence
Past President
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• Act as liaison to the Host College planning the current year’s OCAPPA PD Workshop and AGM.
• Assemble and issue agendas in advance of meetings
• Record and distribute minutes of all regular OCAPPA meetings
• Maintain official Association records, including Terms of Reference, bylaws, policies and procedures, and resolutions, tracking any amendments to such records and keeping such records current and up-to-date
• Serve as Association historian by tracking any amendments to Association records, keeping such records current and up-to-date, and maintaining a yearly permanent record electronically of all minutes, membership files, reports, correspondence, award recipients and related information
• Receive and account for all funds owing to and owed by OCAPPA
• Invoice for and receive all dues and fees
• Deposit collected funds in appropriate accounts
• Disburse funds for expenditures as authorized by the Executive Committee
• Render a statement at bi-monthly committee meetings of income and expenditures and other reports or as may be deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee
• Render a written report and prepare a proposed new annual budget for approval by the membership
• Provide assistance to the Host College for the OCAPPA Annual PD Workshop on all fiscal matters
Asset Stewardship Chair
• Lead and coordinate subcommittee activities
• Ensure timely delivery of the annual facilities condition report to membership
• Act as liaison to legislative and regulated bodies on behalf of OCAPPA
Technology & Collaboration Chair
• Lead and coordinate subcommittee activities
• Ensure OCAPPA website is well-maintained and updated
• Foster relationships between subcommittees to promote activities and awareness
• Participate in the ERAPPA T & C Committee
Membership Chair
• Lead and coordinate subcommittee activities
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• Maintains current membership list and provides to various members as requested
• Coordinates OCAPPA Scholarships through reviewing applications and announcing awards
• Act as liaison to the Host College planning the current year’s OCAPPA PD Workshop and AGM.
• Participate in the ERAPPA PD Committee
Professional Development Chair
• Lead and coordinate subcommittee activities
• Maintains a list of PD topics and speakers that is available for membership to use
• Act as liaison to the Host College planning the current year’s OCAPPA PD Workshop and AGM.
• Participate in the ERAPPA PD Committee
• Facilitates ERAPPA PD, training, and scholarship opportunities for local chapter members participation and involvement.
Energy Chair
• Lead and coordinate subcommittee activities
• Ensures timely delivery of annual energy and carbon reduction reports to membership
• Act as liaison to legislative and regulated bodies on behalf of OCAPPA, bringing forward new policies and opportunities in the energy and sustainability sectors
Facilities Space Standards Chair
• Lead and coordinate subcommittee activities
• Ensures timely delivery of college space standards and optimization solution reports to membership
• Act as liaison to legislative and regulated bodies on behalf of OCAPPA
6.3 Subcommittees and Working Groups
• Recruit sufficient Members to carry out the mandate of the Subcommittee or Working Group
• Convene and chair all meetings of the Subcommittee or Working Group
• Maintain a record of the activities of the Subcommittee or Working Group
• Ensure the membership is informed and kept up-to-date as to the activities and advancement of the Subcommittee or Working Group
• Strike a Working Group if required to perform specific, definable tasks/functions and/or complete specific, definable actions/results within an established timeline and defined completion date
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• Participate in the ERAPPA Chapter Development Committee
• Actively support the President and participate in the advancement and fulfillment of the mandate of the Subcommittee or Working Group;
• Actively perform any assigned specific, definable tasks/functions and/or complete specific, definable actions/results within established timeline and defined completion date.
7.1 Notice of Meeting/Meeting Schedule
A schedule of meetings dates for the year will be determined within thirty (30) days following the final meeting of the calendar year for the following 12-month period. There are typically five (5) regular meetings and one (1) professional development and AGM meeting of the membership.
7.2 Meeting Agendas
Meeting agendas are set by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee. The Secretary will circulate the meeting agenda and relevant background material to the Members, as appropriate, at least one week prior to the meeting.
7.3 Voting
Resolutions required to be approved by the Association shall be approved by simple majority of a quorum of the member Colleges. Each member College shall have one (1) vote and the voting member shall normally be Members of their respective Colleges. Associate Members and Special Members are non-voting members of the Association. A Member may assign their voting rights to a named proxy, being either an Associate Member of their respective College or the President, provided the Secretary is notified of such proxy in writing in advance of such resolution.
Resolutions required to be approved by the Executive Committee shall be approved by simple majority of a quorum of the voting Executive Committee members. Each Executive Committee member shall have one (1) vote. An Executive Committee member may assign their voting rights to a named proxy, being another voting member of the Executive Committee, provided the Secretary is notified of such proxy in writing in advance of the resolution.
Voting for proposed resolutions may be conducted either electronically or at a scheduled meeting provided quorum exists or is reached. If a quorum is not present at a scheduled meeting, voting on a proposed resolution will be conducted electronically by the Secretary.
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7.4 Quorum
Quorum for OCAPPA equals thirteen (13) voting Members, which is fifty (50) percent plus one (1). Quorum for the Executive Committee equals seven (7) voting Executive Committee members.
Minutes of the Association are written by the Secretary, approved by the Members and circulated to the membership. Minutes of the Executive Committee, if applicable, are written by the Secretary, approved by members of the Executive Committee and circulated to the Executive Committee and Subcommittees. Minutes of Subcommittees and/or Working Groups are written by a scribe assigned by the President and approved by and circulated to Members of that Subcommittee or Working Group.
Minutes of the Association, the Executive Committee and Subcommittees and Working Groups shall also be electronically posted on the website for the membership.